UNIV 104: College Success Seminar

Enroll in UNIV 104 to get a great start at WSU!

What is UNIV 104? A course designed specially to meet the college transition needs of first-year and sophomore students.

  • Think about yourself and your education in new ways.
  • Aim for a meaningful and smooth transition to college.
  • Achieve success with grades and cultivate supportive academic relationships.

Benefits of UNIV 104

The UNIV 104 curriculum is aligned with best practices for first-year seminars in teaching college-readiness skills as defined by the National Resource Center (NRC) for the First-Year Experience and Students in Transition. In addition, your active engagement in the course will help you begin developing the career-readiness skills and competencies you are expected to have as a college graduate.

Numerous sections are offered, allowing you to select one with days, times, and topics that fit your schedule and interests. On the Schedule of Classes site, select the campus and semester you wish, then look for “UNIV” and then “UNIV 104” to find sections that are offered.

What Will I Do in This Course?

You will discover your strengths, develop college academic success and career-ready skills, engage in discussions and activities, write reflectively, interact with faculty and other students, work individually and on a team, and even do a bit of research.

More Details about UNIV 104

In your College Success Seminar, you can expect a small class size, many opportunities to get to know your classmates in small group discussions, and opportunities to connect with the parts of campus that you care about most. You will develop a sense of belonging at WSU by engaging in assignments that foster relationships with peers, faculty, advisors, and other critical to your college success. You will also identify your character strengths, set realistic academic goals, learn and apply various academic success strategies known to improve academic performance, practice skills employers expect from college graduates, and develop an understanding of the importance of self-care. You will be involved in the Common Reading Program, reading one particular book and attending campus presentations that relate to the book’s theme. Importantly, this course will help you to make meaningful connections between what’s important to you and opportunities at WSU and assist you in becoming a more self-directed learner.

Yes! Taking a College Success Seminar will give you structured opportunities (and academic credit) for engaging in activities designed to help you flourish at WSU. These activities include:  managing time and projects effectively, exploring campus resources and events, setting goals, managing stress, and making connections with WSU faculty and industry professionals. Data show that first-year students who engage in the course material earn higher GPAs, feel better prepared to be successful at WSU, and recommend the course to other students.
How do I enroll in UNIV 104?

When you register for classes at New Coug Orientation, your advisor will help you select a course section that works with your schedule. Or you can enroll on your own. The classes meet twice weekly for 50 minutes. All classes have limited seating.

The course counts as an elective toward your 120-credit bachelor’s degree, and should be considered a 2-credit investment in your academic success.

The course is available both fall and spring semesters and is recommended for freshman and sophomore students. So, yes, the course can conveniently fit into your class schedule. For students struggling academically mid-semester and/or have dropped a course and need to add credits, we also offer an 8-week accelerated course beginning in early October (fall) or early March (spring).  The class meets for 110 minutes twice per week (see WSU Schedule of Studies for current offering). Students with 30 or more credits require department assistant to enroll.  Please contact Cindy Williams at cindyw@wsu.edu.

UNIV 104 Instructors: General Sections, Fall 2023